
The 807-meter-high Scheibenberg. Photo: Chris Bergau

The 807-meter-high Scheibenberg is located just southeast of the town of the same name, Scheibenberg, in the Erzgebirgskreis district. Together with Bärenstein (898 meters high) and Pöhlberg (832 meters high), it is one of the three major basalt mountains in the Western Ore Mountains. At the summit, there is an observation tower and a restaurant. … Read more

On the Trail of the World Heritage

The Kupferhübel (910 meters) in the Bohemian Ore Mountains (Krušné hory). Photo: Chris Bergau

Today, I was able to guide our guests on a tour in the Bohemian part of the Ore Mountains, bringing them closer to the World Heritage. In Měděnec (Kupferberg), one of the five Czech components of the UNESCO World Heritage Montan Region Ore Mountains, is definitely worth a visit.

Spectacular View from Mědník

Grandiose Aussicht vom 910 Meter hohen Mědník.

The view from Mědník, at 910 meters high (Copper Hill), is spectacular. Directly in front of you to the south lies the mountain town of Měděnec (Copperberg), then the steep drop of the Ore Mountains towards the Eger Valley, and in the background, the Doupovské hory (Duppauer Mountains) rise steeply. The mining region around Copperberg … Read more