Popovský kříž (Pfaffengrüner Cross)

View from the Popovský kříž (Pfaffengrüner Kreuz) towards Klínovec (Keilberg). Photo: Chris Bergau

The Popovský kříž (Pfaffengrüner Cross) is situated atop a rock near the former German village of Pfaffengrün, close to Jáchymov (St. Joachimsthal) in the Bohemian part of the Ore Mountains. From the rock, there is a magnificent view towards Klínovec (Keilberg), as well as into the Eger Valley towards Ostrov (Schlackenwerth) and Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad).

Hadí hora (Grauenstein)

On the 941-meter-high Hadí hora (Grauenstein) in the Bohemian part of the Erzgebirge. Photo: Chris Bergau

The 941-meter-high Hadí hora (Grauenstein) is a relatively unknown mountain in the Bohemian part of the Ore Mountains – an oversight, as the views and landscape are simply unique. The gray rock sea was formed from the decay of a quartz-rich granite porphyry vein. Porphyry is a volcanic rock, formed by the solidification of magma. … Read more